VOCES8 International Festival and Summer School — VOCES8 Foundation

VOCES8 International Summer School and Festival

Milton Abbey, Dorset, U.K.

Mon 22nd July - Sat 27th July 2024

Thank you to those who joined us for a wonderful week of music making in Summer 2024.

Next year’s Festival will take place from 28 July-2 August 2025. Tickets will be available in the Spring. In the meanwhile, you can read about the 2025 edition below, and also see the archived pages from previous years.

Join us to hear another week of superb concerts in the beautiful surroundings of Milton Abbey.

The VOCES8 Foundation presents vocal and orchestral programmes throughout the week in association with world-class visiting artists. The VOCES8 Summer School runs alongside the Festival, and this year the participants will prepare 'Ein deutsches Requiem' by Johannes Brahms to perform at the end of the week.

Find out more about this year’s concerts and how to book tickets below:

Monday 22nd July, 7.30pm


VOCES8 and the VOCES8 Scholars sing Compline in Milton Abbey Church. This service is the opening event of the VOCES8 International Festival week.

Monday 22nd July, 8.45pm

Mars:Smith duo

The Mars:Smith duo present an immersive musical experience inspired by their trip to the Faroe Islands.

Tuesday 23rd July, 7.00pm


The members of VOCES8 celebrate the end of the 2023-24 season with a concert of ‘season highlights’.

Wednesday 24th July, 7.00pm


Apollo5 performs their programme 'Evolution'. This concert will be the final performance featuring Apollo5's tenor, Oli Martin-Smith, who leaves the group after seven years.

Thursday 25th July, 2.30pm

Chamber Group Performance

During the Summer School week, the participants are split into Chamber Groups to rehearse and perform. The Chamber Groups will present a madrigal, part song, pop and jazz a cappella programme.

Thursday 25th July, 5.30pm

Choral Evensong

The Summer School members, with VOCES8 and the VOCES8 Scholars, sing the Anglican service of Choral Evensong in the Abbey.

The music for Evensong will be announced shortly. This service is free but please reserve your tickets by clicking below, and consider making a donation towards our running costs.

Thursday 25th July, 7.00pm

Andy Dickens and his Band

Andy Dickens appears at the Festival for the eighth time; his blend of expert musicianship and dry wit has become a huge favourite for regular Festival attendees. Come and listen, laugh and – if you feel like it – dance!

Andy will play two sets:

7.00-8.00pm on the lawn (indoors if wet)

9.30-10.30pm in the Abbey

In between, ticket holders are welcome to join the Summer School's informal cabaret in the King’s Room.

Friday 26th July, 2.30pm

Young Musicians' Course Performance

During the Summer School week, the Young Musicians write songs and prepare individual and group performances. This concert is their chance to present them to a live audience!

Friday 26th July, 7.00pm

VOCES8 and the VOCES8 Scholars

VOCES8 and the VOCES8 Scholars, accompanied by organist Luke Bond, perform the Friday concert at the VOCES8 International Festival at Milton Abbey.


A selection of pieces presented by the 2023-24 VOCES8 Scholars (programme listing to follow)

Short interval

Songs of Farewell - C. Hubert Parry (1848-1911)

Requiem - Tomás Luis de Victoria (c.1548-1611)

Saturday 27th July, 4.00pm

Gala Concert

The members of the Festival chorus and the VOCES8 Scholars accompanied by organist Luke Bond, perform 'Ein deutsches Requiem' by Johannes Brahms under the baton of Barnaby Smith.

The concert will open with a short performance from the VOCES8 Summer School's Young Musicians' Course.