Friends of the VOCES8 Foundation

Our Friends play an essential role in supporting the work of the VOCES8 Foundation. They help us grow, reach new audiences and explore innovative projects. We offer several levels of Friendship, with differing ranges of benefits designed to bring you closer to VOCES8 and APOLLO5.

You can also consider helping us to continue our work in to the future by remembering us in your Will - join our Aeterna Society.

For highlights of some of the exciting projects we are planning for the upcoming season, download our Sponsorship Catalogue below and become part of our continuing exciting journey.

Friend: £50 per year / £4 per month

  • Priority booking for VOCES8 Foundation promoted concerts.

  • The opportunity to apply for a place at the annual VOCES8 International Summer School

  • Regular updates on tours, events, CDs and activities

Friend (Under 30): £30 per year / £2 per month

  • Priority booking for VOCES8 Foundation promoted concerts

  • The opportunity to apply for a place at the annual VOCES8 International Summer School

  • Regular updates on tours, events, CDs and activities 

Supporter: £100 per year / £8 per month 

As Friend level and additionally... 

  • Personal mention on marketing materials

  • Two exclusive audio tracks per season

  • The opportunity to purchase signed copies of future CD releases 

  • Invitations to APOLLO5 open rehearsals & Paul Smith masterclasses 

Aficionado: £250 per year / £20 per month

As Supporter level and additionally... 

  • Invitations to pre-concert receptions with VOCES8 Foundation ensembles 

  • Invitations to VOCES8 open rehearsals

  • Invitations to Education workshops for all ensembles 

  • Additional exclusive audio tracks throughout the year 

Cognoscente: £500 per year / £40 per month

As Aficionado level and additionally... 

  • Invitations to exclusive closed VOCES8 Foundation events such as album recordings and CD launch parties

VCM100: £1,000 per year / £80 per month

The VCM100 offers the opportunity to invest in our future and to hear our plans at closest quarter as they come to fruition. Together we can celebrate and nurture our efforts to increase the access to high quality music for everyone.

To discuss any aspect of our supporter programmes please email

We are enormously grateful to VCM100 members and Friends of the VOCES8 Foundation listed below from the UK and beyond.

View donors to the VOCES8 Foundation in the USA


Gillian Barella

Lynda Beament
Supporting VOCES8 Foundation Education programmes in London

Cynthia K. Bittner and Randal D. Schreiner

Cathryn Booth-LaForce

William Conner

Matthew and Bianca Cosans

Annie Cygler

Richard Cyster

Peter and Annette Dart

Sarah Dixon

Dr Andrew Duncombe

Mandy and Ian Farnsworth

Richard and Sandra Fitzgerald

Katie Hanson
Supporting VOCES8 Summer School Scholarship Fund

The L.G. Harris Trust
Supporting VOCES8 Scholars UK, and VOCES8 Foundation Education programmes in London and Yorkshire

John Henderson

Sarah and Mark Holford

J G Charitable Trust

Colin Johnson

Alison and Ed King
Supporting Young Leader projects

David and Nina Leeming

Peregrine and Deirdre Massey
Supporting VOCES8 Foundation Education programmes in London

John and Judy McCuin

Gary and Nina Moss

Emma Nixon and Phil Hallwood
Supporting VOCES8 Scholars and VOCES8 Centre

Sarah Norris
Supporting VOCES8 Foundation Education programmes in London

John & Joy Pye

William and Lise Robinson
Supporting VOCES8 Foundation Education programmes in London

Philip and Alexandra Rowlands

Ralf Schnell

Ian Shepherd

Anne and John Smith

Jacqueline Smith
Supporting VOCES8 Foundation Education programmes in London

Mary Teirlynck

Chris and Caroline Thompson
Supporting Future Talent Greater Depth

Tony Wakeford
Supporting VOCES8 Foundation Education programmes

Stephanie Walker

Richard Waller
Supporting VOCES8 Foundation Education programmes in the UK

Eleanor and Chris Wardle

Gilly and Iain Webb-Wilson
Supporting VOCES8 Foundation Education programmes

Jesmer Wong


Alison Alcock

Julia Bergmann

Martin Bonsey

Daniel and Katherine Creamer
Supporting ‘Barnaby Smith: Bach’

Bill Grose and Sally Cantello

Amanda Dodds

Rowena Fleming

Chris and Linda Haines

Renate Hausser-Duncan

Yvonne Hutzler

Jörg Klingelhöfer

Dora Kögel

Petra and Peter Mölders

Tom Rosenthal

Roger Slevin
Supporting VOCES8 Digital Academy

Lord Wallace of Saltaire

Laurie Taylor


Leslie & Susan Baker

Alice Bingham

Roy Blackwell

Joe Christmas

Hilary Cool

Kieran Cooper

Tim and Catherine Cox

Pieter & Marga de Raad

Jenny Dinnage

Julian Fuller

Ian Garner

Mikael Georgii

Timothy Gould

Ann Grieves

Lucy Hart

Rainer Hasert

Tim and Helen Jeffries-Harris

Peter Larke

Guy Laycock and Kinga Rytel-Laycock

Stefan Mall

Peter and Penny Marriott

Jorge Martinez

Don Miller

Rowena Mitchell

Ken Ozanne

Jill and Mark Pellew

Anthon Petty and Melissa Günter

Ceri Price

Seppo Ranta-aho

Peter Ritchie

Jill Salisbury-Hughes

Daniel Sharman

Simon Spence KC

Jilly Steventon and Chas Pell

Herbert Wäckerlin

Carol Ward

John and Janet Wardle

David White

Ilana Wigfield

Tony Willenbruch

Robert Wolz

Ann Wright & Francis Cubitt

An amateur choral and orchestral conductor


Phil Archer

Michael Attwood

David Bacon

Terry Ball

Nicholas Bandy

Nick Bates

Marianne Best

Ian & Wilma Bromilow

Celia Burton

Simon Canonica

Neil Caplan

Ann Cartwright

Elizabeth Clark

Susan Cooper

Elizabeth Cotton

Matthew Counsell

Richard and Angela D’Silva

Sheila De Bellaigue

Muff Dudgeon

RTB Eastbourne

Rodney Eastwood

Helen Ewings

Andrew Fogg

Tom Foley

Anna and Michael Forrest

Christina Freemantle

Adrian & Laurie Friday

Peter Froome

Anna Fussa

Jenny Garner

Pip Gascoigne-Pees

James Gilpin, in memory of Jane Gilpin

Jayne Gould

Alistair Green

Richard Greene

Paul Greenewich

Christopher Halliday

Derek Harrison

Frauke Heitmann

Paul Hicks

Richard Hilliard

Thomas & Britta Hoeddinghaus

Liliane Hofer

Mike Hogg

Baxter Holland

Barry Jex

David and Jan John

Howard & Jenny Jones

Jan and Costa Keliris

Gesine Kerber

Bianca Kloda

Laura Kostoris

John LeGrove

David and Ann Love

Brenda MacDonald

Donna and Tony Marlborough

Sarah Marshall

Anne McDonald

Graham and Penny Merriam

Joanna Mildren

Andrew Milligan

Peregrine Morley

Alison & Stephen Musgrave

Rosetta Nickson

Jeremy Oliver

Brigid Parkin

Sarah Payne

Frederik Punsmann

Peter Racz

Melanie Reinhart

Silvia Reseghetti

Andrew Rich

Graham Russell

Jacqueline Scott-Mandeville

Michael Smith

Neil Smith

Mary Spencer

Isobel Squire

Judy Stewart, in memory of Ian Stewart

Mark Sutherland

Marcel Tacke

Paul Tan

Philip Thijsse

Christina Thomson

Arden Tulip, in memory of Clay Andrews

Christhardt Troeger

Nigel Webb

Bernhard Wissmann

Elizabeth Wright


Lucy B

Neha Chindu

Ms Himee Kajau

Jonathan Meyns

Jonathan Rohr

Aytan Swainsbury

Phoebe Tait

Valentina Tavip

Ruth Tounkam


Francisco Alarcon

Sara Allan

Natasha Allen

Boukje Andriesse

John Anstie

Anton Bachl

Angela Bawtree

Lynda Beckwith

Maria Bentley

Clara Bindheim

Anne Bolger

Judith Brassington

Martin Breitsprecher

Denise Burns

Ann Cameron

Nigel and Claire Cutts

Almut & Rüdiger Czycholl

Ian Davies

Janet Davies

Matthias & Renate Diephaus

Lee Drage

Joanna Edwards

John Edwards

Alyson Elliman

Garth Emrich

The Fischer Fund

Judith Floyd

Rosemary Foot

Susan Forshaw

Zsolt Gábor

Trish Galloway

Angelika Golz

A Grateful Listener

Tom Griffiths

Andy Hague

Cheryl Hauser

Martha Hazevoet

Regina Hering

Bruce Herriot

Freyja Hischer

Frances Hook

Marie Humbert

Geoff Hutchings

Esther Huxstep

Nick Janmohamed

Werner Keller, Weinfelden

Gabriella Kelly-Davies

Dr Clare Kevis

Rien Klarenbeek & Irene Paridaans

Sarah Kleiner

Carol Law

Allasonne G Lewis

Stefanie Lotz

Barbara Mangles

Mrs Caroline Manson

Carol Manton

Madeleine Mattis

Andrea McGrath

Member of National Symphony Chorus Dublin

Sven A. P. Moldovany

Andrew Morris

William Neal

David Nolan

Tomoya Omori

Catherine Osterrieth

Mrs J V Pellettier

Norman Perryman

Joanna Pesch-Konopka

Anna Pfeiffer

Heinz Prochazka

Hilary Rafter

Christina Rapp

Johanna Rapp

Julian Rees

Nina Robinson

Suzanne Robinson

Angela Ryde-Weller

Zivi Sainsbury

Naoko Saka

Carla Sanmartjn

Mike & Shelagh Saunders

Huub & Gertie Savelkoul

Donna Sharp

Melanie Shaw

Susanne Slobodzian

Raphaela Stürmer

Christine Sutton

Rachel Starling

Brenda Stephenson

Ursula Taylor

Mulu Thomson

David Tilsley

Muriel Tinsley

Edward Tricklebank

Marion Tudge

David and Wendy Veasey

Steve Webb

Kim White

Paul White

Edward Wild

Stefan Winterstein

Anna Winton Mills

Silvia Zandvoort

An anonymous supporter with admiration of the unique essence of VOCES8

We also offer our grateful thanks to those of our supporters who wish to remain anonymous

The VOCES8 Foundation USA would like to send a huge thank you to our donors and particularly to all those who supported us in any way through the Covid-19 pandemic.

Thank You All!

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